
Company Policy

Environmental Policy

RealSafe Training Centre is committed to reducing the impact of its operations and processes on the environment by a process of continual improvement. Activities are planned and performed to minimize environmental discharges and to comply with legislative and contractual requirements.

RealSafe Training Centre will ensure the implementation of this policy by committing to the following objectives as core business values:

RealSafe Training Centre Director is responsible for establishing, implementing and carrying out periodic reviews of its environmental policy and appointing a dedicated person for the development and maintenance of a documented Environment Management System based on and compliant with Singapore’s Environmental Management System standards and other regulatory requirements.

Health and Safety Policy

RealSafe Training Centre management is committed to providing a safe place of work for employees and contractors, through the implementation of standards and controls that continuously improve the application and performance of the Health and Safety Management System. We shall achieve this goal by setting ourselves targets aimed at fulfilling a set of broad objectives and values, which represent our obligations to society and ourselves.

Staff Training Quality Policy

RealSafe Training Centre is responsible for the ongoing training and development of instructors, to ensure their competency and currency to teach SCDF, SSG and other vocational/safety training courses.

This policy relates to all staff involved in the training and/or assessment of SSG, OPITO and other vocational/safety training courses.

The training Manager is responsible for the ongoing training and development of Instructors, to ensure their competency and ability to teach other safety training courses.

Identification of training includes:

Training & Development:
Training and development are managed and implemented according to individual Personal Development Plans (PDP), which are developed through interviews between the Senior Instructor, Assistant Instructors and the Training Manager. PDPs are reviewed and updated annually.